Sunday, July 7, 2013

Incense and Tea

Sandalwood is a useful scent. Sandalwood is known for Protection, Wishes, Healing, Exorcism, Spirituality, Relaxation and Centering. To me it is slightly heady but it also makes me want to say OMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Hah, also I never thought I'd be a Tea drinker.I found yummy ones I love green white and red teas,I'm picky about black and herbal teas.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer's wane,Autumn's breath

Summer's wane is fast approaching, Autumn comes lazily on the tailcoats of summer storms. Mabon will be here soon apples and pumpkins will be plentiful. As dull green leaves change to brightly colored leaves smiles shall be found remembering that the wheel will turn and Samhain will be here soon. I know Autumn is one of my favorite seasons where there is an obvious change,we begin to slow down and marvel at nature making herself known.We laugh at squirrels running amok and chipmunks stuffing already too full cheeks we begin to crave the closeness of family and friends and everyday is an excuse for a feast. We don't know it but we are preparing for Winter just like all of Nature's children,a time when family and merriment are needed to drive the winter away when the solitude becomes too much. Winter has it's uses too as a blanket for her so she may rest and to give us signs of the coming spring.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Long time no talk, I almost forgot i even had a blog. Well now that it's bookmarked on Windsong, my laptop I shall start writing again.

I've picked up a new hobby, bead work ^_^. Making necklaces and bracelets.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I am still trying to get things situated here, I'm not very good with HTML.
It is Hot an humid in Florida and so far it is living up to its nickname.
Summer Solstice just passed a while ago so hopefully things will be alright.

I'm hoping we don't get any hurricanes, but we've been getting nasty Thunderstorms.
One yesterday sprouted four Tornadoes, well three plus a water cyclone.


I am a Seeker of information, I want to know more about the Tuatha Dé Danann. I fear I may be a perpetual student forever wanting to know more. Please share your knowledge with me.

Here I will be posting my own poems a lot of them revolve around Brighid. A few will be more sacred pieces.

I hope you will like reading them.

I leave you with my latest

A Meeting with the Oak queen.

Standing alone in the woods of oak.
In a strange clearing beneath the tallest tree.
Staring into the unknown I cross the divide.
Between this world and the next through the veil.

There she stands the woodland queen.
She waits for me in her gown of green.
Waiting for me to see what must be seen.

She teaches me what must be known.
To seek, discover, and to grow.
Most of all to know, the wild soul sleeping within.

Soon my time is done and I must go.
Back to my earthly home.
Away from the realm between the worlds.
Back to my refuge of flesh and bone.